Who is emerie kaar?

There is limited information available about Emérie Kaar, and it is possible that this person may be a private individual without significant public presence or recognition. If you have more specific information or context about Emérie Kaar, please provide additional details for a more accurate response.

She is a fictional character

Thank you for the clarification. Without further details, it is difficult to provide information about a specific fictional character named Emérie Kaar. If you can provide more information about the context in which this character appears (such as a book, movie, TV show, video game, etc.), I may be able to help provide more information or details about the character.

From star wars

It appears that Emérie Kaar is a minor character in the Star Wars universe. Emérie Kaar is a member of the Resistance and appears in the novel "Resistance Reborn" by Rebecca Roanhorse. In the book, Emérie Kaar is a pilot who helps the Resistance in their fight against the First Order. She plays a small but important role in the story.

From bad batch

As of my last update in September 2021, there is no character named Emérie Kaar in the Star Wars: The Bad Batch animated series. The series follows a group of elite clone troopers known as Clone Force 99, or the "Bad Batch," as they navigate the aftermath of Order 66 and the rise of the Galactic Empire.

If Emérie Kaar is a character that has been introduced after September 2021 in the series, I recommend checking more recent sources or episodes of Star Wars: The Bad Batch for information on this character.