With the aid of reliable sources, advance explanations of the terms reading and writing.

Reading is the process of comprehending written text or symbols in order to extract meaning. It involves decoding the language and interpreting the information presented in the text. Reading involves various cognitive processes such as recognizing letters and words, understanding grammar and syntax, and making inferences and connections between ideas. It is considered a fundamental skill that is crucial for acquiring knowledge, learning new information, and communicating effectively.

Writing, on the other hand, is the process of expressing thoughts, ideas, and information through written language. It involves choosing and organizing words, sentences, and paragraphs to convey a message in a clear and coherent manner. Writing requires knowledge of grammar, spelling, punctuation, and language conventions, as well as the ability to structure a piece of writing effectively. It is an essential skill for communication, self-expression, and academic and professional success.

- National Institute for Literacy. (n.d.). What is Reading?. Retrieved from: https://lincs.ed.gov/professional-development-resource-center/reading/rsearch/what-reading
- National Council for Teachers of English. (n.d.). The Process of Writing. Retrieved from: https://www.ncte.org/library/NCTEFiles/Involved/Voices/maury.pdf