A floor plan of a house is drawn to scale, and 4 centimeters in teh drawing represents 3 meters. The rectangular living room in the floor plan measures centimeters by 8 centimeters. What is the actual

10 2/3 area of the family room, in square meters?

First, we need to determine the actual length and width of the living room in meters.

Since 4 centimeters in the drawing represents 3 meters, we can set up the following proportion:
4 cm = 3 m

8 cm = x meters (length of the living room)

Cross multiply:
4 * x = 8 * 3
4x = 24
x = 6

So, the actual length of the living room is 6 meters.

Next, we need to find the actual width of the living room:

4 cm = 3 m

x cm = 8 cm (width of the living room)

Cross multiply:
4 * 8 = 3 * x
32 = 3x
x = 10 2/3

So, the actual width of the living room is 10 2/3 meters.

To find the area of the living room, we multiply the length and width:

Area = length * width
Area = 6 * 10 2/3
Area = 64 square meters

Therefore, the actual area of the family room is 64 square meters.