What is the volume of a moving truck with the following measurements: 9 9/10 ft. long, 6110 ft. high, and 6 9/10 ft. wide? Apply the volume formula for a rectangular prism to solve. (1 point)


68 start fraction 31 over 100 end fraction ft cubed

691 start fraction 416 over 1,000 end fraction ft cubed

416 start fraction 691 over 1,000 end fraction ft cubed

22 start fraction 9 over 10 end fraction ft cubed

To find the volume of the moving truck, we need to use the formula for the volume of a rectangular prism, which is V = lwh, where l is length, w is width, and h is height.

Length (l) = 9 9/10 ft = 9.9 ft
Width (w) = 6 9/10 ft = 6.9 ft
Height (h) = 6110 ft = 6110 ft

Plugging these values into the formula:
V = (9.9)(6.9)(6110)
V = 418.89 * 6110
V = 2557878.9 ft^3

So, the volume of the moving truck is approximately 2557878.9 ft^3.