a poem about the desert sky

Beneath the blanket of night, barren and vast

The desert sky stretches, eternal and fast
Stars twinkle and shimmer, a celestial display
A mesmerizing sight that takes my breath away

The moon hangs low, casting a silvery glow
Creating shadows that dance and flow
The air is still, the silence profound
In this vast expanse where beauty is found

The desert sky, a canvas so divine
Painted with colors that intertwine
Fiery oranges, deep purples, and shades of blue
A breathtaking panorama, forever anew

The constellations tell stories of ancient lore
Guiding travelers to distant shores
In this desert sky, dreams take flight
Underneath its canopy of celestial light

So I gaze up, lost in wonder and awe
Feeling the desert's magic, its enchanting draw
In this quiet solitude, I'm humbled and free
Boundless beauty in the desert sky I see.

two sentences and simple

The desert sky, vast and clear, filled with stars that twinkle near. Underneath its soft glow, a sense of peace and wonder grows.