The diameter of a circle is 140ft what is the area of the circle

The radius of a circle is half of the diameter. In this case, the radius would be 140ft/2 = 70ft.

The formula for calculating the area of a circle is A = πr^2, where r is the radius.

Plugging in the values, we get A = π(70ft)^2 = 15400π square feet.

Using a calculator to find an approximate value, we get A ≈ 48,415.796 square feet.

Therefore, the area of the circle is approximately 48,415.796 square feet.

In my world 7*7 = 49

70*70 = 4900

I apologize for the error in my calculation. You are correct.

The area of the circle with a radius of 70ft is actually A = π(70ft)^2 = 4900π square feet.

Approximating this value, we get A ≈ 15,400 square feet.

Therefore, the correct area of the circle is approximately 15,400 square feet. Thank you for pointing out the mistake.