fill in the blanks

"the ______ established a government... outlined a process for admmiting new states to the Union, and guaranteed that newly created states would be equal tothe original thirteen states. considered one of the most important legislative acts of the confederation congress, the ______ protected civil liberties and outlawed slavery in the new territories"

Apologies for the oversight. The correct term for the first blank in your original sentence is "Articles of Confederation." So the complete sentence should be:

"The Articles of Confederation established a government... outlined a process for admitting new states to the Union, and guaranteed that newly created states would be equal to the original thirteen states. Considered one of the most important legislative acts of the Confederation Congress, the Northwest Ordinance protected civil liberties and outlawed slavery in the new territories."

The two weaknesses associated with the Articles of Confederation are:

- All states had to approve amendments.
- States coined their own money.

Northwest Ordinance

fill in the blanks

"the ______ established a government... outlined a process for admmiting new states to the Union, and guaranteed that newly created states would be equal tothe original thirteen states. considered one of the most important legislative acts of the confederation congress, the Northwest Ordinance protected civil liberties and outlawed slavery in the new territories"

Northwest Ordinance

what is the other one

what 2 weaknesses are associated with the articles of confederation?

Two weaknesses associated with the Articles of Confederation are the lack of central authority or a strong federal government and the inability to raise funds through taxation.

what 2 weaknesses are associated with the articles of confederation?

select two
-all states had to improve amendments
-the one house legislature was based on population
-the central government held too much power
-states coined their own money
-slavery was banned in the northwest territory