What were some things that did not work in the Treaty of Versailles?

1. Reparations: The harsh reparations payments imposed on Germany were seen as unreasonable and impossible for the country to pay. This fueled resentment and economic hardship in Germany, leading to political instability and ultimately contributed to the rise of Adolf Hitler and World War II.

2. Territorial adjustments: The redrawing of borders in Europe, particularly concerning the German territories, led to ethnic tensions and conflicts that persisted for years after the treaty was signed. The creation of new states such as Czechoslovakia and Poland resulted in nationalist movements and border disputes.

3. League of Nations: The League of Nations, established as a mechanism for international cooperation and peace, was largely ineffective in preventing aggression and conflict in the years following the Treaty of Versailles. Key powers such as the United States did not join the League, weakening its ability to enforce its decisions.

4. Self-determination: While the principle of self-determination was included in the treaty, it was not always applied consistently. Many ethnic groups and nationalities found themselves under the rule of states that did not represent their interests, leading to ongoing tensions and conflicts.

5. Military restrictions: The limitations imposed on the German military were seen as humiliating and unjust by many Germans. These restrictions were also not enforced effectively, allowing Germany to secretly rearm and rebuild its military in violation of the treaty.