what is the inverse of (7)/3-x

Multiplicative inverse or additive inverse?

Multiplicative inverse would be (3-x)/7

Additive inverse would be -7/(3-x)

I assume you are doing pre-calculus.

The inverse of f(x) = f-1(x) can be found by the following simple steps:
1. rewrite the function y=f(x) by interchanging x and y.
2. solve the resulting equation for y in terms of x. The resulting expression on the right hand side is f-1(x).
3. Check your answer by evaluating
f(f-1(x)). It should be equal to x.

Here are the details:
1. exchange x and y:
2. Solve for y in terms of x
3. Check the answer:
f-1(x)=y=3-7/x is therefore the inverse of f(x)=7/(3-x).


To find the inverse of a function, we need to swap the variables and solve for the new variable.

Let's find the inverse of the function y = (7/3) - x:

1. Replace y with x and x with y:
x = (7/3) - y

2. Solve the equation for y:
x + y = 7/3
Subtract x from both sides:
y = (7/3) - x

Thus, the inverse of (7/3) - x is y = (7/3) - x.