Simple, Compound, Complex Sentences Quick Check

A simple sentence is a sentence that contains one independent clause. It expresses a complete thought and can stand alone as a sentence.

Example: The dog barked loudly.

A compound sentence is a sentence that contains two or more independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction (such as and, but, or, so).

Example: The cat meowed and the dog barked.

A complex sentence is a sentence that contains one independent clause and at least one dependent clause. The dependent clause cannot stand alone as a sentence.

Example: Although it was raining, the children played outside.

Identify the type of sentence for each of the following sentences:

1. She will eat dinner and then go to the movies.
- Compound sentence

2. I finished my homework before going to bed.
- Complex sentence

3. The bird flew high in the sky.
- Simple sentence

4. The teacher gave us a test, and I did well on it.
- Compound sentence