How did the Aztecs apply their engineering skills to the challenges of living on an island?

(4 points)
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1. Chinampas: The Aztecs created floating gardens called chinampas by building up layers of mud and vegetation on rafts of reeds anchored to the lake bottom. This allowed them to grow crops on the water despite the limited land available on the island.

2. Causeways: The Aztecs constructed causeways and aqueducts to connect the island of Tenochtitlan to the mainland. These causeways allowed for transportation of goods and people to and from the island.

3. Floating markets: The Aztecs established floating markets on the lake where goods, produce, and other items could be bought and sold. These markets were located on rafts or canoes and provided a way for commerce to thrive despite the challenges of island living.

4. Water management: The Aztecs engineered a sophisticated system of canals and dikes to manage water levels on the lake and prevent flooding. This allowed them to control water flow and maintain a stable environment for agriculture and daily life on the island.