can you give me three quotes from the novel Fahrenheit 451 that fall under the theme of control of by technology

analyse and explain why they were chosen and what part it is in or pages

1. "With schools turning out more runners, jumpers, racers, tinkerers, grabbers, snatchers, fliers, and swimmers instead of examiners, critics, knowers, and imaginative creators, the word 'intellectual,' of course, became the swear word it deserved to be." (page 58)

This quote highlights the way technology and entertainment have consumed society in the novel, leading to a lack of critical thinking and intellectual engagement. It shows how the control of technology has influenced education and the values placed on certain skills.

2. "Montag had done nothing. His hand had done it all, his hand, with a brain of its own, with a conscience and a curiosity in each trembling finger, had turned thief." (page 57)

This quote demonstrates how technology can override free will and control human actions. Montag's hand acts on its own accord, depicting a world where individuals are controlled by technology rather than making conscious decisions.

3. "Burn 'em to ashes, then burn the ashes. That's our official slogan." (page 106)

This quote represents the extreme control and manipulation wielded by technology in Fahrenheit 451. The society in the novel is ruled by a totalitarian government that uses technology, specifically in the form of censorship and book burning, to maintain power and suppress dissent. The slogan reflects the relentless control exerted by technology in the world of the novel.