4 cm

6 cm

9 cm

5 cm

Find the area of the quadrilateral.

(1 point)

To find the area of the quadrilateral, we need to break it down into two triangles and a rectangle.

First, let's find the area of the two triangles:
Triangle 1:
Base = 4 cm
Height = 6 cm
Area = 0.5 * base * height
Area = 0.5 * 4 cm * 6 cm
Area = 12 cm²

Triangle 2:
Base = 9 cm
Height = 5 cm
Area = 0.5 * base * height
Area = 0.5 * 9 cm * 5 cm
Area = 22.5 cm²

Now, let's find the area of the rectangle:
Length = 9 cm
Width = 6 cm
Area = length * width
Area = 9 cm * 6 cm
Area = 54 cm²

Now, add the areas of the two triangles and the rectangle to get the total area of the quadrilateral:
Total Area = Area of Triangle 1 + Area of Triangle 2 + Area of Rectangle
Total Area = 12 cm² + 22.5 cm² + 54 cm²
Total Area = 88.5 cm²

Therefore, the area of the quadrilateral is 88.5 cm².