for each statement of the following write your own persuasive sentences using logos

you are trying to persuade an audience that they should exercise more often

1. Regular exercise has been scientifically proven to improve overall health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. Therefore, it is important for individuals to prioritize physical activity in their daily routine.

2. Studies have shown that consistent physical activity can boost mood and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. By incorporating regular exercise into your life, you can improve your mental well-being and overall quality of life.
3. The benefits of exercise extend beyond just physical health, as regular activity can also improve cognitive function and enhance memory and critical thinking skills. It is essential for individuals to prioritize exercise to optimize their brain health.
4. Incorporating regular physical activity into your routine not only leads to better physical and mental health outcomes, but it also increases longevity and improves overall quality of life. It is vital for individuals to make time for exercise in order to live a longer and healthier life.