How can the reader’s point of view create suspense and humor?(1 point)


A reader might know things that the characters do not.
A reader might know things that the characters do not.
A reader might have a preference for one particular character.
A reader might have a preference for one particular character.
A reader might know the ending of the story.
A reader might know the ending of the story.
A reader might have prior knowledge about certain historical contexts.

A reader's point of view can create suspense by keeping them on edge as they anticipate how the characters will react to certain situations. For example, if a reader knows a character is walking into a dangerous situation but the character does not, it creates suspense as the reader wonders how the character will handle it.

On the other hand, a reader's point of view can create humor by allowing them to see the irony or absurdity in a situation that the characters may not realize. This creates a sense of dramatic irony that can be comedic for the reader.

Ultimately, the reader's point of view adds depth and complexity to the narrative, allowing for a unique experience that combines suspense and humor in an engaging way.