unit 6 lesson 5

surface area of rectangular prism.

find the area of the composite shape

10cm, 7cm,10 cm, 5cm

do not label your answer _

To find the surface area of the composite shape, we first need to find the surface area of each individual face of the rectangular prism.

1. Front and back faces:
- The front and back faces both have dimensions of 10cm by 7cm, so their total combined area is:
2 * (10cm * 7cm) = 140 square cm

2. Top and bottom faces:
- The top and bottom faces both have dimensions of 10cm by 5cm, so their total combined area is:
2 * (10cm * 5cm) = 100 square cm

3. Left and right faces:
- The left and right faces both have dimensions of 7cm by 5cm, so their total combined area is:
2 * (7cm * 5cm) = 70 square cm

Now, add up the areas of all the faces to find the total surface area of the rectangular prism:
140 square cm + 100 square cm + 70 square cm = 310 square cm

Therefore, the surface area of the composite shape is 310 square cm.