Jimmy ran 40 meters west from home and then turned north to jog 15 meters

How far away is Jimmy from his starting point and in which direction?

To calculate the distance from his starting point, we can use the Pythagorean theorem.

The 40-meter west jog creates the horizontal leg of the right triangle, while the 15-meter north jog creates the vertical leg.

Using the Pythagorean theorem:
\(c^2 = a^2 + b^2\)

\(c^2 = 40^2 + 15^2\)

\(c^2 = 1600 + 225\)

\(c^2 = 1825\)

\(c ≈ \sqrt{1825}\)

\(c ≈ 42.72\) meters

Therefore, Jimmy is approximately 42.72 meters away from his starting point in a north-west direction.