In this module you have learned both the Preterite Tense and the Present Progressive Tense. The Preterite Tense is used to express completed actions in the past and the Present Progressive Tense is used to express actions taking place now. For this portfolio you are going to practice creating examples of each.


Completely in Spanish


Minimum of 20 sentences (10 sentences using the preterite tense and 10 sentences using the present progressive tense)

The sentences should use 10 different verbs and each verb should have an example in the preterite tense and an example in the present progressive tense

Example: (You will only complete your portfolio in Spanish.)

Ayer, yo compré una camisa. (Yesterday I bought a shirt.)

Hoy, yo estoy comprando una camisa. (Today I am buying a shirt.)

Grading Rubric:

Neatness and All Requirements Met 20%

Correct and Complete Spanish 80%

write it like an 8th grader and this is the secound semester

Ejemplos en Pretérito:

1. Ayer, yo hablé con mi amiga por teléfono. (Yesterday, I talked to my friend on the phone.)
2. El mes pasado, él viajó a España. (Last month, he traveled to Spain.)
3. El año pasado, nosotros fuimos al parque de diversiones. (Last year, we went to the amusement park.)
4. Anoche, tú comiste pizza para cenar. (Last night, you ate pizza for dinner.)
5. La semana pasada, ella estudió para el examen de matemáticas. (Last week, she studied for the math test.)
6. El verano pasado, ustedes nadaron en la playa. (Last summer, you all swam at the beach.)
7. Ayer, los estudiantes terminaron sus tareas temprano. (Yesterday, the students finished their homework early.)
8. El fin de semana pasado, ellos jugaron fútbol en el parque. (Last weekend, they played soccer in the park.)
9. La semana pasada, ellas compraron nuevos libros en la librería. (Last week, they bought new books at the bookstore.)
10. El mes pasado, mi hermano mayor se graduó de la universidad. (Last month, my older brother graduated from college.)

Ejemplos en Presente Progresivo:

1. Ahora, yo estoy escribiendo una carta a mi abuela. (Now, I am writing a letter to my grandmother.)
2. Este mes, él está estudiando para sus exámenes finales. (This month, he is studying for his final exams.)
3. Esta semana, nosotros estamos pintando la casa. (This week, we are painting the house.)
4. Hoy, tú estás practicando piano en la sala. (Today, you are practicing piano in the living room.)
5. Esta tarde, ella está cocinando la cena para la familia. (This afternoon, she is cooking dinner for the family.)
6. En este momento, ustedes están jugando al baloncesto en el gimnasio. (Right now, you all are playing basketball in the gym.)
7. Ahora, los estudiantes están haciendo una presentación en clase. (Now, the students are giving a presentation in class.)
8. Este fin de semana, ellos están visitando a sus abuelos en el campo. (This weekend, they are visiting their grandparents in the countryside.)
9. En este momento, ellas están estudiando para el examen de ciencias. (At the moment, they are studying for the science test.)
10. Hoy, mi hermana menor está ayudando a mamá en la cocina. (Today, my younger sister is helping mom in the kitchen.)