(A) What is the price per ounce for each option? (round to the nearest hundredth). Support your answer by completing the table below.

Size of Milk Container
1 Gallon (128 oz):
1/2 Gallon (64oz)
1 Quart (32 oz)
1 pint (16 oz)

Price per ounce:

Show your work:
3.55$/128 oz -> 3.55$ divided by 128 oz =

Note: The price of the first gallon is 3.55, the price of the second gallon is 2.05, the price of the third gallon is 2.82, the price of the fourth gallon is 1.48

Size of Milk Container | Price per ounce

1 Gallon (128 oz) | $0.03
1/2 Gallon (64 oz) | $0.03
1 Quart (32 oz) | $0.09
1 pint (16 oz) | $0.09

1. $3.55 / 128 oz = $0.0278 -> rounded to $0.03
2. $2.05 / 64 oz = $0.0313 -> rounded to $0.03
3. $2.82 / 32 oz = $0.0881 -> rounded to $0.09
4. $1.48 / 16 oz = $0.0925 -> rounded to $0.09