Analyze the difference between an interest group and a political party?(1 point)


An interest group only has one interest, while a political party has many.
An interest group only has one interest, while a political party has many.

An interest group focuses on shaping policy, while a political party focuses on winning elections to control the government.
An interest group focuses on shaping policy, while a political party focuses on winning elections to control the government.

An interest group always initiates lawsuits, while a political party does not.
An interest group always initiates lawsuits, while a political party does not.

Interest groups and political parties always have opposing interests.

This response is incorrect. Interest groups and political parties do not always have opposing interests. In fact, they may sometimes align on certain issues or work together to achieve common goals. Interest groups typically represent specific issues or causes, while political parties encompass a broader range of issues and compete for control of government.