In 3–4 sentences, identify one theme in The Crossover and explain why you believe it is a major theme of the novel. Support your answer with specific details from the sections “Fourth Quarter” and “Overtime.”

As part of this discussion, ask a question or make a comment about one other student’s answer. Do you agree with their answer? Why or why not?

One major theme in The Crossover is the importance of family and how it shapes the characters' lives. Throughout the novel, we see how the Bell family's dynamics impact their relationships and decisions. For example, in the section "Fourth Quarter," we see how the brothers, Josh and Jordan, navigate their changing relationship as they both grow and face challenges on and off the basketball court. In "Overtime," we witness the family coming together during a time of crisis, highlighting the strength of their bond and love for each other.

I agree with your analysis of the theme of family in The Crossover. Family is definitely a central focus of the novel and plays a significant role in shaping the characters' experiences. How do you think the theme of family contributes to the overall message or moral of the story?

write it like if a 8th grader wrote it

A big theme in The Crossover is how important family is. In the book, we see how the Bell family's relationships and decisions are influenced by each other. When Josh and Jordan start to grow up and have their own problems, it affects their bond as brothers. But when the family faces a tough situation in "Overtime," they come together and show how strong their love and support for each other is.