Using the matrix , what is the value of M3,1

1. 6
2. 53
3. 8.5
4. 70.2

The value of M3,1 in a matrix is the value in the third row and first column.

If the matrix is:

| 5 2 9 4 |
| 6 7 3 2 |
| 8 5 1 10 |
| 4 6 2 7 |

The value of M3,1 is the value in the third row and first column, which is 8.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

3. 8


Apologies for the error. Let's calculate correctly this time.

If the matrix is:

| 6 1 4 |
| 9 3 5 |
| 7 2 8 |

The value of M3,1 is the value in the third row and first column, which is 7.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

3. 7