Annabelle could see that the immense ship was headed directly for the treatchoreud rocks

ahead. She knew that if they didn't change course quickly, they would be headed for disaster. Thinking quickly, she ran to the captain's quarters and alerted him to the impending danger.

The captain, stunned by her sudden appearance, quickly sprang into action. He ordered the crew to change course immediately, veering away from the treacherous rocks just in the nick of time.

As the ship safely sailed away from the danger, the captain turned to Annabelle and thanked her for her quick thinking and bravery. She had saved them all from a disaster that could have been catastrophic.

Annabelle smiled, feeling a sense of relief and satisfaction knowing that she had helped save the ship and its crew from peril. She knew that she was a crucial part of the team, and she would always be ready to step up and take action when needed.