types of uterus

1. Bicornuate uterus: a congenital condition in which the uterus has two horns or cavities, which can increase the risk of miscarriage or preterm birth

2. Didelphic uterus: a rare condition in which a woman has two separate uterine horns and two cervixes

3. Septate uterus: a condition in which a wall of tissue (septum) divides the uterus, which can increase the risk of miscarriage or infertility

4. Unicornuate uterus: a condition in which a woman has only one half of a uterus, often resulting in pregnancy complications

5. Arcuate uterus: a slight indentation or arc in the upper part of the uterus, which is generally considered a normal variation and does not usually cause fertility problems.

6. Normal uterus: a typical pear-shaped organ in which a fertilized egg implants and a baby grows during pregnancy.