1. **Rectangle ABCD**:

- Length = 4 meters
- Breadth = 2 meters
- Area = Length × Breadth = 4 × 2 = **8 square meters**

2. **Rectangle EFGH**:
- Length = 1 meter
- Breadth = 5 meters
- Area = Length × Breadth = 1 × 5 = **5 square meters**

Now, let's find the total area of the closed figure:
- Total Area = Area of ABCD + Area of EFGH
- Total Area = 8 m² + 5 m² = **13 square meters**
Find the area of the figure below (1 point) Responses 218.3 95.00 109.15 189.98

As there is no figure provided in the question, it is not possible to calculate the area of the figure. Please provide a diagram or more information to accurately calculate the area.