What was the most difficult part of this portfolio? What strategies did you use to finish it?

Ecosystem designed

The most difficult part of designing an ecosystem in a portfolio is often creating a balanced and realistic model that accurately represents the interactions between different species and their environment. To finish it successfully, I used the following strategies:

1. Research: I thoroughly researched the different components of the ecosystem, including the plants, animals, and abiotic factors present. This helped me ensure that my model was accurate and realistic.

2. Consultation: I consulted with experts in the field of ecology to gain insights and feedback on my design. This helped me identify any potential flaws or gaps in my ecosystem model.

3. Iteration: I created multiple drafts of my ecosystem design, making revisions and adjustments based on feedback and my own reflections. This iterative process allowed me to refine and improve my model over time.

4. Testing: I tested my ecosystem model by simulating different scenarios and observing how the different components interacted. This helped me identify any weaknesses or issues in my design that needed to be addressed.

By utilizing these strategies, I was able to overcome the challenges of designing an ecosystem in my portfolio and create a well-rounded and detailed model that accurately represented the natural world.

Give me shorter answer

The most difficult part was creating a balanced and realistic ecosystem model. I used research, consultation with experts, iteration, and testing to finish it successfully.