please could someone help me answer this question -

can science prove that God does exist?


Here are some sites with different opinions on that question.

The question of whether science can prove the existence of God is a complex and philosophical one. Science is a systematic method used to study and understand the natural world through empirical evidence and experimentation. God, on the other hand, is often regarded as a supernatural being outside the realm of scientific observation and measurement.

Science is limited to the study of natural phenomena and operates within the framework of natural laws. It relies on empirical evidence, observation, and repeatable experiments to formulate theories and make conclusions. God, being considered supernatural, may be beyond the scope of scientific investigation because it may not be subject to the same laws and principles that govern the natural world.

Belief in God or religious faith is often based on personal experiences, religious texts, philosophical arguments, and the interpretation of spiritual or supernatural phenomena. These aspects of belief are typically subjective and personal, often falling outside the ability of scientific investigation.

It's important to note that science and religion can address different aspects of human understanding and provide different perspectives on the world. They can coexist, offering complementary views rather than being mutually exclusive.

In summary, while science can provide insights into the natural world, it might not be able to provide definitive proof or disproof of the existence of God due to the different realms of focus and methodology. The question of the existence of God often goes beyond the purview of science and becomes a matter of personal belief, faith, and philosophy.