Figures of speech in the poem mother to son

1. Extended metaphor - The entire poem uses the metaphor of a staircase to symbolize the struggles and challenges of life. The mother describes her life as a series of stairs that she has climbed, with various obstacles and hardships standing in her way.

2. Imagery - The mother uses vivid imagery to convey her message to her son, describing her experiences as having "tacks in it" and "boards torn up." These details create a powerful visual image of the difficulties she has faced.

3. Personification - The mother personifies life as talking and telling her son to keep climbing, even when it is difficult and exhausting. This personification adds a deeper emotional resonance to the poem, as it creates a sense of a supportive force guiding and encouraging her son.

4. Alliteration - The repetition of the "s" sound in the phrase "splinters, / tacks, and splinters, / boards torn up" creates a harsh, gritty tone that reflects the hardships the mother has endured in her life.

5. Symbolism - The crystal stair symbolizes the mother's ultimate goal of achieving success and stability in life. The crystal stair represents a beautiful, precious path that leads to a better future, but it is also fragile and requires careful navigation to avoid falling. This symbol underscores the idea that progress in life requires perseverance and resilience in the face of challenges.