What is the total pressure (in atm) inside of a vessel containing N2 exerting a partial pressure of 0.256 atm, He exerting a partial pressure of 203 mmHg, and H2 exerting a partial pressure of 39.0 kPa?

To calculate the total pressure inside the vessel, we need to convert all partial pressures to the same unit of measurement. Let's convert the partial pressure of He from mmHg to atm and the partial pressure of H2 from kPa to atm:

1 atm = 760 mmHg
1 atm = 101.3 kPa

Partial pressure of He in atm:
203 mmHg * (1 atm / 760 mmHg) = 0.267 atm

Partial pressure of H2 in atm:
39.0 kPa * (1 atm / 101.3 kPa) = 0.384 atm

Now we can calculate the total pressure inside the vessel:
Total pressure = P(N2) + P(He) + P(H2)
Total pressure = 0.256 atm + 0.267 atm + 0.384 atm
Total pressure = 0.907 atm

Therefore, the total pressure inside the vessel is 0.907 atm.