The difference between the poem 'mortal limit and child burial '

"Mortal Limit" by Czeslaw Milosz and "Child Burial" by Countee Cullen both explore themes of mortality, loss, and the limitations of human life. However, there are some key differences between the two poems.

"Mortal Limit" contemplates the inevitability of death and the fleeting nature of life. The speaker reflects on the limitations of the body and the mind, and ultimately finds comfort in the knowledge that death is a part of the natural order of things. The poem emphasizes the cyclical nature of life and death, and suggests that acceptance of mortality is necessary for true understanding and appreciation of life.

On the other hand, "Child Burial" focuses on the grief and anguish of losing a young child. The poem offers a heartbreaking portrayal of a parent grappling with the loss of their child, and touches on themes of innocence, vulnerability, and the unfairness of death. Unlike "Mortal Limit," which takes a more philosophical approach to mortality, "Child Burial" delves deeply into the emotional and personal impact of death on those left behind.

Overall, while both poems deal with themes of mortality and loss, "Mortal Limit" takes a broader, more abstract perspective on the subject, while "Child Burial" offers a more intimate and emotional exploration of the consequences of death on human relationships.