A senes of small towns develops around an estuary

What three resources could the estuary provide to the towns in the area?

Boat docks, stores that sell fuel and boat supplies, channel markers, hazard signs, and buoys that provide reports on water and wind conditions are types of infrastructure that are built built to improve services for boaters and to guide navigation. How could infrastructure in the estuary also increase the availability of the other resources?

1. Fish and Seafood: The estuary could provide a steady supply of fish and seafood to the towns, supporting local fisheries and restaurants that specialize in seafood dishes.

2. Tourism: The estuary could attract tourists who enjoy activities such as fishing, boating, bird-watching, and hiking along the estuary. This could boost the local economy through increased tourism revenue and the creation of jobs in the hospitality industry.

3. Water for Agriculture: The estuary could provide water for irrigation to support agricultural activities in the surrounding towns. This could help farmers grow crops and sustain livestock, increasing food production in the area.

Infrastructure in the estuary, such as boat docks and navigation aids, can improve transportation and accessibility to the estuary for fishermen, tourists, and farmers. This, in turn, can lead to increased economic activity and the efficient utilization of resources such as fish, tourism, and water for agriculture in the area. By facilitating the movement of people and goods, infrastructure can enhance the availability and distribution of resources in the estuary towns.