In an ecosystem with low biodiversity the removal of a species will do what

In an ecosystem with low biodiversity, the removal of a species can have a significant impact on the ecosystem. Since there are fewer species to fulfill different ecological roles, the loss of a single species can lead to disruptions in the overall functioning of the ecosystem. This can result in cascading effects on other species, leading to potential population declines or extinctions.

The loss of a species in a low biodiversity ecosystem can also impact ecosystem services, such as nutrient cycling, pollination, and pest control. Without a diverse array of species to perform different functions, the ecosystem may become less resilient to environmental changes and more susceptible to disturbance.

Overall, the removal of a species in a low biodiversity ecosystem can have far-reaching and negative consequences on the health and stability of the ecosystem. It highlights the importance of preserving biodiversity to ensure the resilience and functioning of ecosystems.