What are characteristics of first-person and third-person point of view?

First person-

Third person-

First person point of view is characterized by the use of "I" or "we" as the narrator, and the reader sees the story through the eyes of the protagonist. This point of view allows for a more intimate and personal connection with the narrator, as the reader is directly experiencing the events alongside them. However, this limited perspective can also result in a biased or unreliable narrator.

Third person point of view is characterized by the use of "he," "she," or "they" as the narrator, and the reader is given a more objective and distant perspective on the story. This point of view allows for a broader view of the events and characters in the story, as the narrator can provide insight into multiple characters' thoughts and feelings. However, this perspective can sometimes feel less immersive or emotionally engaging compared to first person point of view.