A local park is building a new playground and needs to know how much fencing to buy. The park authority creates a map of the area with the coordinates A(−5,10) , B(1,10) , C(1,−12) , and D(−5,−12) . Each unit on the coordinate plane represents 1 yard. Solve to find out how many yards of fencing is needed (the perimeter).(1 point)


To find the perimeter, we need to add up the lengths of all four sides of the playground.

The distance between points A(−5,10) and B(1,10) is 6 yards.

The distance between points B(1,10) and C(1,−12) is 22 yards.

The distance between points C(1,−12) and D(−5,−12) is 6 yards.

The distance between points D(−5,−12) and A(−5,10) is 22 yards.

Adding these distances together, we get:

6 + 22 + 6 + 22 = 56 yards

Therefore, the park needs to buy 56 yards of fencing for the playground.