A rectangular Pyramid has a volume of 480 inches if a rectangular rhythm has a bait and high congratulate to the Pyramid.What is the volume of the prism

In order to find the volume of the prism, we need to first determine the volume of the rectangular pyramid. The formula to calculate the volume of a rectangular pyramid is:

V = (1/3) * base_area * height

Given that the volume of the rectangular pyramid is 480 inches and we know the height, we are missing the base area.

To find the base area, we can rearrange the formula as:

480 = (1/3) * base_area * height

base_area = 3 * 480 / height
base_area = 1440 / height

Since the base of the rectangular pyramid is a rectangle, the base area is equal to length * width. Let's denote the length as l and width as w. We also know that the height of the prism is the same as the height of the pyramid.

The volume of the prism can then be calculated as:

V_prism = base_area * height_prism
V_prism = (l * w) * height_prism

Substituting the base_area formula into the prism volume formula, we get:

V_prism = (1440 / height) * height

V_prism = 1440 inches

Therefore, the volume of the prism is 1440 cubic inches.