"We came by steerage on a steamship in a very dark place that smelt dreadfully. There were hundreds of other people packed in with us, men, women and children, and almost all of them were sick. It took us twelve days to cross the sea, and we thought we should die, but at last the voyage was over, and we came up and saw the beautiful bay and the big woman with the spikes on her head and the lamp that is lighted at night in her hand.”

—Sadie Frowne, 1902

Use the quote to answer the question.
Which chapter title best reflects the description of a journey across the Atlantic Ocean, and many others like it, as described in this excerpt?

“A Brief Excursion”

“Packed Like Cattle”

“An Exciting Journey"

“Views from the Deck”

"Packed Like Cattle"

“Jane Addams Opens Hull House”

“Jacob Riis Photographs Tenements”
“YMCA Opens in Boston”
Use the passage to answer the question.
What efforts are highlighted by these headlines?

the support of big business and monopolies

the improvement of poverty in urban areas

the support of labor unions

the solution to problems of urban pollution

the improvement of poverty in urban areas

After Congress passed the Sherman Antitrust Act in 1890, many judges initially ruled against the new law in cases involving trusts. Which statement best explains the reason many judges disagreed with the Antitrust Act?

Trusts were able to sell their goods at lower prices to consumers.

Trusts were private property that the government should not control.

Competition between businesses was still sufficient to benefit consumers.

Labor unions were damaging the free trade associated with trusts.

Trusts were private property that the government should not control.