The circumference of the circular table on Colton’s porch is 43.96 inches. What is the exact area of the table in terms of straight pi?

7 straight pi space inches squared
49 straight pi space inches squared
153.86 straight pi space inches squared
196 straight pi space inches squared

The formula for the circumference of a circle is 2πr, where r is the radius of the circle. In this case, the circumference is 43.96 inches, so we have:

2πr = 43.96
r = 43.96 / (2π)
r = 43.96 / 6.2832
r ≈ 6.992 inches (approximately)

The formula for the area of a circle is πr^2, so the area of the table is:

π(6.992)^2 ≈ 153.86 square inches

Therefore, the exact area of the table in terms of π is 153.86π square inches. So the answer is:

153.86 straight pi space inches squared