if I found a injured baby bat what should I do to help it

If you find an injured baby bat, it is best to contact a local wildlife rescue organization or animal control agency for help. They have the expertise and resources to properly care for injured wildlife. In the meantime, you can gently place the bat in a secure and quiet place, such as a small box with air holes and a soft cloth for bedding, away from any pets or children. Do not attempt to feed the bat or handle it excessively, as this can cause additional stress and harm. Keep the bat warm and be sure to wash your hands thoroughly after handling it to prevent the spread of any diseases.

What do milledgeville GA bats like to eat

Bats in Milledgeville, GA typically eat insects such as moths, beetles, flies, mosquitoes, and other small flying insects. They are nocturnal animals that are skilled hunters and use echolocation to locate their prey in the dark. Bats consume vast quantities of insects each night, which helps to control insect populations and is beneficial for the local ecosystem. If you are looking to attract bats to your area, you can consider installing a bat house to provide them with a safe roosting spot.