Compare the ways the Mayan, Aztec, and Inca Empires considered women to be different from other genders.

A) Women did not control property.

B) They considered women inferior.

C) The different genders performed different jobs in society.

D) They worshipped different gods.

C) The different genders performed different jobs in society.

All three empires had distinct social roles for men and women. Women often took on domestic roles such as caring for children, housekeeping, and preparing food, while men were primarily responsible for hunting, farming, and participating in warfare.

It is important to note that while gender roles were rigidly defined in these societies, women were still highly respected and valued members of their communities. They often played important roles in religious ceremonies, were involved in trade, and some even held positions of power and authority.

Therefore, it would be incorrect to say that women were considered inferior in these civilizations, as they held important and necessary roles in their societies.