candice and phoebe are traveling on the same highway in the same direction. Candice is traveling at 45 mph and is exactly 40 miles ahead of phoebe who is traveling at 55 mph. How many hours will it take phoebe to catch candice?

To find out how long it will take Phoebe to catch up to Candice, we first need to determine the relative speed at which Phoebe is closing the distance between them. Since Phoebe is traveling at 55 mph and Candice is traveling at 45 mph, the relative speed at which Phoebe is closing the distance is 55 mph - 45 mph = 10 mph.

Next, we need to determine the total distance Phoebe needs to cover to catch up to Candice, which is 40 miles.

Finally, we can calculate the time it will take Phoebe to catch Candice by dividing the total distance by the relative speed:
Time = Distance / Speed
Time = 40 miles / 10 mph
Time = 4 hours

Therefore, it will take Phoebe 4 hours to catch up to Candice.