a chunk of silver has a heat capacity of 42.8J/degrees celcius and a mass of 181g. calculate the specific heat of silver.

Specific heat per gram is 42.8/181 J/C*g

Note the correct spelling of celsius.

To calculate the specific heat of silver, you need to divide the heat capacity of silver (in joules per degree Celsius) by the mass of silver (in grams).

The formula to calculate specific heat is:

Specific heat = Heat capacity / Mass


Heat capacity = 42.8 J/°C
Mass = 181 g

Plug the values into the formula:

Specific heat = 42.8 J/°C / 181 g

Now, divide the heat capacity by the mass:

Specific heat = 0.236 J/g°C

Therefore, the specific heat of silver is 0.236 J/g°C.