7 3 L03 Uncover1 Teacher CocoaCollisionsDemo PORTAL

What is this game modeling?

What should you do if you have an odd number of Kinetic Energy Points?

What is the total Kinetic Energy for the Cocoa at the start of the game?

What is the total Kinetic Energy for the Air at the start of the game?

If my Air has 2 Kinetic Energy and the Cocoa has 8 Kinetic Energy, How much Kinetic Energy does each one have after the collision?

Explain how you figured out the answer to number 5.

If my Air has 2 Kinetic Energy and Cocoa has 8 Kinetic Energy, how much Kinetic Energy does the air gain or lose? How much Kinetic Energy does the Cocoa gain or lose?

Explain how you figured out the answer to number 7.

How many collisions occur in each round?

This game is modeling collisions and the transfer of kinetic energy between objects.

If you have an odd number of Kinetic Energy Points, you should round down to the nearest even number.

The total Kinetic Energy for the Cocoa at the start of the game is 15.

The total Kinetic Energy for the Air at the start of the game is 5.

After the collision, the Air will have 6 Kinetic Energy and the Cocoa will have 4 Kinetic Energy.

To figure out the answer to number 5, you can take the total Kinetic Energy (10) and distribute it proportionally based on the initial amounts of Kinetic Energy for each object.

The Air gains 4 Kinetic Energy and the Cocoa loses the same amount. The Air gains the difference in Kinetic Energy between the two objects, and the Cocoa loses the same amount.

To figure out the answer to number 7, you can calculate the difference between the initial and final Kinetic Energy for each object.

There is one collision that occurs in each round.