what are are the challenges that impede teachers from performing the classroom manager role

1. Lack of training and support: Teachers may not have received sufficient training on effective classroom management techniques, leaving them feeling unsure of how to handle difficult situations.

2. Large class sizes: Teachers may struggle to effectively manage a classroom with a large number of students, making it difficult to provide individual attention and maintain control.

3. Student behavior: Disruptive behavior, lack of motivation, and apathy among students can create challenges for teachers trying to maintain a positive classroom environment.

4. Lack of resources: Limited access to resources such as teaching aids, technology, and support staff can make it difficult for teachers to effectively manage their classrooms.

5. Time constraints: Teachers may feel overwhelmed by the demands of their workload, leaving them with limited time to focus on creating a positive learning environment and managing their classroom.

6. Lack of support from administration: Without support from school administration, teachers may struggle to effectively enforce rules and maintain discipline in the classroom.

7. Burnout: The stress and demands of the teaching profession can lead to burnout, which can affect a teacher's ability to effectively manage their classroom.