According to a survey by the beach lifeguards, there is a 25% chance that surfers will see a dolphin while surfing. Which simulation could you use to answer questions about whether a surfer will see a dolphin? CLEAR CHECK Device Method Record the number of times this occurs in 100 trials: Rolling Greater than 4 Device Method Record the number of times this occurs in 100 trials: Flipping Heads Device Method Record the number of times this occurs in 100 trials: Picking and Replacing Red Device Method Record the number of times this occurs in 100 trials: Spinning Lands on 7 or 8

You could use the simulation of "rolling greater than 4" to answer questions about whether a surfer will see a dolphin.

In this simulation, you would record the number of times a dice lands on a number greater than 4 in 100 trials. This is similar to the probability of seeing a dolphin while surfing, which is 25%, as there is a 1/4 chance of rolling a number greater than 4 on a standard six-sided dice.

By conducting this simulation multiple times, you can get an idea of how likely a surfer is to see a dolphin while surfing based on the probability of rolling greater than 4.