
Monoculture Farming
Waste Management/Littering
Climate Change
Light Pollution
Ocean Acidification
Sea Level Rising
Invasive Species
Human Population Growth
Noise Pollution
Oil Spills
Illegal Hunting

List the three issues that you believe make the lowest impact on the ecosystem.
Select one issue from #1 and describe why this makes the lowest impact on the ecosystem.
List the three issues that you believe make the largest impact on the ecosystem.
Select one issue from #3 and describe why this makes the largest impact on the ecosystem.
What is one solution to the issue listed in #4.

Lowest impact on the ecosystem:

1. Waste Management/Littering - while littering can be harmful to wildlife and pollute water sources, it is generally a localized issue that can be cleaned up relatively easily.

Largest impact on the ecosystem:
1. Climate Change - Climate change has far-reaching effects on ecosystems, including altering habitats, disrupting wildlife migration patterns, and increasing the frequency of extreme weather events.

Solution to climate change:
One solution to combat climate change is transitioning to renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, implementing policies to reduce deforestation and promote sustainable land use can help mitigate the impacts of climate change on ecosystems.