It is important to remember that tobacco is harmful to your health and can lead to serious health issues such as cancer, heart disease, and respiratory problems. It is also illegal for minors to use tobacco in many places.

You have the right to refuse tobacco if you do not want to use it. You can calmly and respectfully explain to your parents that you do not want to use tobacco and that you are concerned about the health risks associated with it.

If you feel uncomfortable or unsafe in this situation, it is important to reach out to a trusted adult, such as a teacher, counselor, or another family member, for support. They can help you navigate this situation and ensure that your well-being is prioritized.

Remember, it is always okay to stand up for your own health and well-being, even if it means saying no to something that others are pressuring you to do.

How did European exploration affect East Asian countries? (4 points)

European exploration had several significant effects on East Asian countries:

1. Trade and interaction: European exploration led to increased trade and interaction between East Asian countries and European nations. This resulted in the exchange of goods, ideas, and technologies between the two regions.

2. Colonization and imperialism: European powers established colonies and expanded their influence in East Asia through exploration. This led to the colonization of countries such as India, Indonesia, and parts of China, impacting the political and social structures of these regions.

3. Introduction of new religions and cultural influences: European exploration brought new religions, such as Christianity, to East Asian countries. This led to the spread of European cultural influences and the adoption of European customs and practices in some regions.

4. Economic exploitation: European exploration and colonization in East Asia often led to economic exploitation of the region's resources and labor. This had long-lasting effects on the economies of East Asian countries and contributed to disparities in wealth and development.

Overall, European exploration had a profound impact on East Asian countries, shaping their history, culture, and socio-economic development in significant ways.

iin 2-3 sentences

European exploration had a significant impact on East Asian countries, leading to increased trade and interaction, colonization and imperialism, and the introduction of new religions and cultural influences. This resulted in changes to the political, social, and economic structures of East Asian societies, shaping their history and development.