How did the Japanese imperial court system of appointing government officials lead to the rise of the Fujiwara family? bot

The Japanese imperial court system of appointing government officials played a key role in the rise of the Fujiwara family. The Fujiwara family strategically married their daughters into the imperial family, which allowed them to exert influence over important government positions. As a result, the Fujiwara family members were able to secure high-ranking positions in the court and wield significant political power. Over time, they became the de facto rulers of Japan, manipulating the imperial court system to maintain their dominance for several centuries.


The Japanese imperial court system of appointing government officials was instrumental in the ascent of the Fujiwara family. Through strategic marriages with the imperial family, the Fujiwara clan gained influence over crucial government positions. This enabled them to attain prominent roles within the court and wield substantial political power. Consequently, the Fujiwara family emerged as the effective rulers of Japan, utilizing their control over the imperial court system to maintain their authority for many generations.