What were the most important factors for the voters in deciding among the four candidates?

1. Policy positions: Voters likely considered the different policy proposals and stances on key issues put forth by the candidates to determine which align most closely with their own beliefs and priorities.

2. Candidate experience and qualifications: Voters may have assessed the candidates' past experience, track record, and qualifications to determine who they believe is most capable of effectively leading and representing them.

3. Trust and credibility: The level of trust and credibility that voters have in each candidate could have played a significant role in their decision-making process. Factors such as honesty, integrity, and consistency may have influenced voters' perceptions of the candidates.

4. Leadership qualities: Voters may have evaluated the candidates based on their leadership abilities, communication skills, and vision for the future to determine who they believe is best equipped to bring about positive change and address the challenges facing the community or country.

5. Personal connection and likability: The personal likability and relatability of the candidates may have also been important factors for voters in deciding among them. A candidate's ability to connect with voters on a personal level and resonate with their values and concerns could have influenced their decision.