
The table shows Avery’s net worth statement.

Net Worth Statement

Item Value
Bank Accounts $3,900
Car (current value) ?
Credit card debt

Real estate $37,425
Student loans –$1,700
Investments $4,600

Avery’s net worth is $53,755. Based on the information in the table, what is the current value of Avery’s car?





To find the current value of Avery's car, we add up all the values on the net worth statement:

$3,900 (Bank Accounts) + $X (Car) - $2,950 (Credit card debt) + $37,425 (Real estate) - $1,700 (Student loans) + $4,600 (Investments) = $53,755 (Avery's net worth)

Now we can solve for the value of Avery's car:

$3,900 + $X - $2,950 + $37,425 - $1,700 + $4,600 = $53,755
$41,275 + $X = $53,755
$X = $53,755 - $41,275
$X = $12,480

Therefore, the current value of Avery's car is $12,480. So the correct answer is $12,480.