A company manufactures and sells shirts. The daily profit the company makes depends on how many shirts they sell. The profit, in dollars, when the company sells xx shirts can be found using the function f, of, x, equals, 6, x, minus, 70, .f(x)=6x−70. Find and interpret the given function values and determine an appropriate domain for the function.

f(-2)= blank*, meaning if the company sells blank* shirts, they would make a profit of blank* dollars. This interpretation
-makes sense
-does NOT make sense
in the context of the problem.

To find f(-2), we simply plug in -2 for x in the function f(x)=6x−70:

f(-2) = 6(-2) - 70 = -12 - 70 = -82

Therefore, f(-2) = -82, meaning if the company sells -2 shirts, they would make a profit of -82 dollars.

This interpretation does NOT make sense in the context of the problem because it is not possible for a company to sell a negative number of shirts.

An appropriate domain for this function would be all non-negative integers, since a company cannot sell a negative number of shirts and profit must be a positive value. Therefore, the domain would be x ≥ 0.